Message Passing Parallelism (MPP)

Message Passing Parallelism (MPP) is a parallel computing model where multiple processors communicate and synchronize with each other by passing messages. In this model, each processor has its own memory and executes a separate program, but they communicate with each other by sending and receiving messages over a network.

MPP is commonly used in distributed computing, where multiple computers are connected over a network to solve a large-scale problem. In MPP, the problem is divided into smaller sub-problems, and each sub-problem is assigned to a processor. These processors then exchange messages with each other to coordinate their work and achieve a common goal.

One of the advantages of MPP is its scalability, as it can easily handle large-scale problems by adding more processors to the system. Additionally, MPP allows for fault tolerance, where if one processor fails, the others can continue to function without any interruption.

However, one of the main challenges of MPP is the overhead involved in message passing, as sending and receiving messages can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. To mitigate this challenge, various techniques have been developed, such as optimizing communication patterns and using high-speed networks.