
Model-Based Engineering Collaboration with Rescale Metadata Management

Streamlining Collaborative Innovation in Product Design

Model-Based Collaboration (MBC) is a method of working that leverages digital engineering at its fullest. Centered on the strategic use of digital models, MBC revolutionizes the approach to complex computational challenges, allowing for the simulation, analysis, and optimization of model-based systems engineering in a virtual environment before physical construction. This methodology significantly boosts efficiency and catalyzes innovation within the engineering domain.

Core Principles

MBC distinguishes itself from traditional engineering approaches by placing digital models at the center of the collaborative process. This shift from dependence on physical prototypes and iterative testing to the use of advanced computational techniques for system analysis enhances accuracy, reduces development time, and minimizes costs. MBC plays a critical role in simplifying complex computational tasks across various industries, including aerospace, automotive, electronics, and energy. It provides a unified and efficient framework for engineering processes, fostering innovation and streamlining challenges in these key sectors.

Initial Modeling

The MBC process begins with the creation of initial digital models that capture the foundational structure and behavior of the systems under examination. The initial models are often system level models, they are meant to capture a complex system’s connectivity rather than detail the behavior of individual components. System level models are typically maintained in PLM systems as the source of truth and for integration with requirements.

Detailed Model Development

This phase involves refining initial models using high fidelity computational methods to accurately simulate different system aspects. Concurrently, comprehensive simulation analysis predicts system behavior under varied conditions. This integrated approach of model refinement and simulation analysis is vital for optimizing system performance, ensuring the accuracy and efficiency of the final product, and eliminating the need for physical prototypes.

Advantages of Model-Based Engineering Collaboration

Digital Thread

A key advantage of MBC is the opportunity to develop  a ‘digital thread,’ a comprehensive digital record tracking the entire lifecycle of a model. This thread integrates various models of the product, ensuring up-to-date, consistent information for all stakeholders, facilitating better collaboration, real-time tracking, and adaptive engineering practices.

Holistic View of Context, Inputs and Results

Another significant advantage of MBC is its ability to provide a holistic view of context, inputs and results. When integrated with system level modeling, this holistic perspective enables engineers to see not just isolated results, but how different components and changes affect the entire system. This approach leads to more informed decision-making, as it allows for a deeper understanding of the interdependencies within the system, enabling more strategic planning and optimization of resources. This comprehensive view is essential for ensuring that all project aspects are aligned with the overarching goals and for identifying areas of improvement or potential innovation.

Rescale Metadata Management and Model Based Engineering Collaboration

Rescale Metadata Management streamlines capturing, managing, and utilizing metadata, enhancing collaboration and decision-making. Its features include resource tags for efficient data organization and custom fields for enhanced data tracking and analysis.

Rescale Metadata Management supports model-based collaboration by providing a unified data platform for sharing up-to-date simulation models and data while ensuring decisions on simulation results are transparent. 

Prudent use of simulation metadata allows for discoverable simulation models and files, allowing for engineers and managers to discover errors rapidly and avoid errors in production.

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  • Sandeep Urankar

    Sandeep Urankar is a product marketing manager at Rescale. He focuses on Rescale Metadata Management and Rescale Computational Pipelines with the goal of helping engineers achieve deeper insights faster. Prior to joining Rescale, Sandeep held several product management positions at leading simulation software companies, including Dassault Systems and Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence.

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